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SEP Goals, Targets & Metrics

SEP is committed to impact. This includes using data to monitor progress, adjust course, and celebrate success. The career connected learning data below demonstrates SEP’s progress now in its second year of implementation. – Updated 12/19/2024

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Stark County Data Dashboard

Updated January 2024 – Stark Education Partnership is currently engaged in career connected learning with the goals of positively impacting students’ career potential and planning, as well as influencing graduates to remain in Stark County. While our focused work centers on middle and high school students related to career planning, it is highly recognized that much effort goes into the education of students from their very first breaths of life.


In a student's education journey, there are acknowledged key transition points along the way that indicate future success. The purpose of maintaining county-wide student data is to keep an eye on those pivotal transition points. A brief explanation accompanies each measure.

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the full Stark County Data Dashboard pdf

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Key Transition Points

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Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA)


% on Track


47.3% - 2022   |   50.0% - 2021

Source: SCESC

The Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) is an observational tool aligned to the kindergarten standards that assesses a child’s readiness to learn in kindergarten. There are four areas of early learning assessed by the KRA: 1) Social Foundations (social-emotional development and approaches to learning); 2) Mathematics; 3) Language and Literacy; and 4) Physical Well-being and Motor Development. This tool is administered by their teacher within the first month of a child’s enrollment in kindergarten. 

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Third Grade


% Scoring Proficient or Higher


66.4% - 2022   |   59.0% - 2021

Source: SCESC

The state of Ohio has legislated a 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee. The state test utilized to assess students’ reading is the Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA). The test is administered at the start of 3rd grade, and at the end of the 3rd grade year. Students are scored according to five levels: advanced, accelerated, proficient, basic and limited. Those students who score proficient or above are promoted to 4th grade.



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Eighth Grade
Math Success


% Scoring Proficient or Higher


53.1% - 2022   |   53.3%- 2021

Source: SCESC

Ohio uses an Ohio State Test (OST) for Grade 8 mathematics. In general, students who score proficient or above on the 8th grade OST are considered ready to advance to the next level math in grade 9 (high school). The standards assessed by the OST in grade 8 are: 1) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them; 2) Reason abstractly and quantitatively; 3) Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others; 4) Model with mathematics; 5) Use appropriate tools strategically; 6) Attend to precision; 7) Look for and make use of structure; and 8) Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

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High School diploma & Credential Attainment

High School
Graduation Rate



91.6% - 2021   |   92.4% - 2020

Source: ODEW

Students Earning 12+
College Credits in High School*



21.6% - 2022   |   3,449 - 2021

Source: ODEW

Students Earning Industry
Recognized Credentials**



11.6% - 2021   |   804 - 2020

Source: ODEW

Students who entered grade 9 on or after July 1, 2019, have new graduation requirements for graduation. There are three key components: 1) Course Completion – Students will complete the state minimum 20 units, with specific units required in each content area; 2) Demonstrating Competency – Students will demonstrate competency in the foundational areas of English language arts and mathematics or through alternative demonstrations, which include College Credit Plus, career-focused activities, their ACT or SAT scores, or military enlistment.; 3) Demonstrating Readiness (Seals) – Students will demonstrate readiness for their post-high school paths by earning two diploma seals that allow them to demonstrate important foundational and well-rounded academic and technical knowledge, professional skills, and leadership and reasoning skills.


*   Prior to 2022, data reported the number of students earning 3+ credits

** Prior to 2022, data reported the number of students earning credentials

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College and Career Persistence & Degree Attainment

College Persistence of Stark
Students by School Year



83% - 2021   |   83% - 2020

Source: Student Tracker

Some College / Degree
Attainment (ages 18-24)



52.2% - 2021   |   47% - 2020

Source: 1-Year Estimates

Total Degree Attainment –
AA, BA, MA, PhD (ages 25+)



33.6% - 2021   |   31.8% - 2020

Source: 1-Year Estimates

National Student Clearinghouse StudentTracker® is a nationwide source of data on college enrollment and degree completion. There are 3,700 colleges and universities – enrolling 99% of all students in public and private U.S. institutions – that provide student enrollment and graduation data. Currently, SEP is tracking student persistence (those students who return for their sophomore year of college) which is an indicator predicting degree completion.

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